Kailash mansarovar mumbai

Kailash Mansarovar

Day 01    Arrival Kathmandu
Take off for The Kailash Yatra!

Arrive Kathmandu. Upon arrival, you will be met by our representative at the Tribhuvan International Airport who will assist you to transfer to your pre booked hotel. Overnight in the hotel.

Day 02   Temple visit in Kathmandu
After breakfast, proceed for a half day sightseeing tour of Pashupatinath Temple and Budhaneelkantha. Evening at leisure in Kathmandu.

Day 03   Drive Kathmandu to Nyalam (3700 m)
After breakfast, we will drive to the frontier town of Nepal at Kodari enjoying a scenic drive through Dhulikhel. From here, there would be a short walk to the friendship bridge for further drive to Zhangmu, the main entrance of Tibet, China at the height of 2,300 m. which is about 145 kms from Kathmandu. In Zhangmu, you will be received by guide from our Tibetan counterpart. After all the immigartion formalities at the check post here, our journey continues for another 35 kms which can take almost 3 hours through the up-winding road to Nyalam with beautiful scenery as the drive brings us for the overnight stay at Nyalam (3,700 m.). The lodges and guest houses here are very simple and basic. You can expect the unexpected as the China Tourism in Tibet is slowly picking up since last 10 years. Overnight at Hotel Nyalam or similar.

Day 04   In Nyalam for acclimatization
This whole day is dedicated for acclimatization at Nyalam. We will be going for a short trek of about three hours in Nyalam itself. Overnight at Hotel Nyalam or similar.

Day 05   Drive Nyalam to Saga (4600 m) 240 Kms./ 6 – 7 hours drive
After breakfast, drive through the windswept territory passing many villages and camps of Yak herders with the distance view of snow capped mountains. We will be passing through the first highest pass of Lalung La Pass (5000 m) where a superb view of high Himalayas can be seen from Gaurishanker, Shishapangma to Langtang Himal. Drive past Khunmen Tso, Sinling, Karru Ongchen and Peigutso Lake (4400m). We continue driving crossing the river “Yarling Tsangpo” known as Bhramaputra, to reach Saga (4600 m) 240 Kms./6 -7 hours drive. Overnight at Hotel Saga.

Day 06 Drive Saga to Mansarovar (4560 m) 450 kms/ 8 hrs. drive
After breakfast, drive through Paryang (4750 m) 255 kms/ 3 – 4 hrs. drive through the windswept territory passing many villages and camps of Yak herders with distance view of snow capped mountains. On this day the road is quite flat, hence the drive will be comfortable compared to other days. We shall have lunch enroute. Thereafter drive to  Chui Gompa (4560 m) 223 km/ 3 – 4 hrs. We continue driving crossing Mayum La pass (5200 m) and arrive Chui Gompa. Today is the day of lifetime, as we will have the first sight (darshan) of Holy Mt. Kailash and Holy Lake Manasarovar.

Stay in a guest house. Overnight at local guest house.

Day 07  At Mansarovar

It is a day for Puja & Holy bath in the holy lake. One may indulge into relaxation, meditation, devotion or hawan etc.

Day 08  Drive to Darchen (4620 m) (2 hr. drive)
After breakfast drive to Darchen (4620 m). Darchen is located beneath the majestic holy Mount Kailash, a small village with couple of guesthouses. During the auspicious pilgrimage time, this place will be flooded with Pilgrims with hundreds of tents all around. Darchen, the beginning and end point of the Kora. We may proceed for trek to Serrlung Monastry to visit Asthapath which offers an excellent view of Nandi Parvat and Mount Kailash, subject to permission by Public Security Bureau at Darchen. Overnight at guest house.

Day 09 Drive to Sershong / Tarboche (13 km) and trek to Dirapuk (4860 m) 7 km/ 5 – 6 hrs.
After breakfast, drive approx. 13 Kms. to Sershong also known as Tarboche, the trek starting point of Kailash Parikrama. Tarboche is also referred as the outer “Asthapath”. The first day of our Kora is a gradual walk with multitudes of other local pilgrims chanting and praying. The trail leads us to few ups and downs till we reach our camp/guest house at Dirapuk (4860 m) 7 km/ 5 – 6 hours trek. Camping on the nice grassy meadows with a view of Kailash, north west face. Those not feeling themselves fit to continue parikarma will drive back to Darchen and wait for the Parikarma group to return. Overnight at Camp / Guest House.

Day 10 Trek to Zuthulphuk (4760 m) 18 km/ 9 – 10 hrs.
Today our circumbulation (Kora) leads to much higher side of the holy path just beneath the Holy Mount Kailash. The walk will bring us to one of the highest point at Drolma La, 5,200 m. (4-5 hrs.) before descending to the gradual field towards Zuthulphuk for the overnight stay after 4-5 hours walk. Zuthulphuk (4760 m) 18 km/ 9 – 10 hrs.

After early breakfast, group will set off as the sun’s rays break over the ridges above. After the footbridge the trail rises up a rocky slope. Take this gently but steadily. It soon reaches a level walk. The peak of Mount Kailash rises to the right and can now be seen linked to a long spur, which joins the eastern ridge. This is the top edge of the glacial valley from which the Lhachu (“Divine River”) flows.

This day is the climax of this holy journey & is the most difficult day of our journey. One has to pass through Drolma La Pass – 5200 m – highest altitude on this tour. Physically it is the most arduous day. At the pass is a large boulder depicting Tara, festooned with prayer flags. Here too Tibetans leave a memento of themselves such as a tooth, a lock of hair or even a personal snapshot.

After perhaps 30 minutes, we descend a steep, rock-strewn path to the valley below. Just below the pass is Lake Tu-je Chenpo Dzingbu (Gauri Kund) i.e. “The Pool of Great Compassion”. Take great care now because it is easy to sprain your ankle or worse. You must negotiate steep staircases down to a snowfield. The only way down is to jump from boulder to boulder across a large rock fall. On the ridge above is a formations known as the Lekyi Ta-ra (“Axe of Karma”), as though one’s moment ripen in an accident, suffering or death.

A final steep descending staircase brings you to the valley floor. From here it is still about 5 hours to the day’s destination with no shelter in between. It is vitally important to remain on the right hand side of the river, the West bank. If not, you will get trapped, unable to cross it. The walk now becomes very pleasant and relaxing (as long as the weather is clear and there is no howling gale.) The path follows the gentle slope of the valley over grassy fields and clear brooks for several Kilometers before it narrows and turns further south to merge with another valley before reaching Zuthulphuk, the “Miracle Cave” of Milarepa. Overnight in Fixed Tents.

Day 11 Zuthulphuk to Darchen trek 10 km/ 3-4 hrs. and drive to Saga (8 – 9 hrs.)
The morning can be spent exploring the caves and visiting the temples and shrine that has been built around Milarepa’s cave. A married elderly couple supervises the temple, which is usually an active residence for over half a dozen Tibetan devotees, helpers, or relatives who continuously Luxury Busy themselves with the tasks of maintaining the buildings. One imagines Milarepa’s disciples meditating here. Many of the caves contain meditation platforms, self-contained by dry stonewalls which divide them from their cooking partitions and entrance areas. It is well worth the short climb up to these caves before beginning the final stage of the trek. The winding gradual tracks finally ends our holy pilgrimage walk 10 km/ 4 – 5 hrs. Once we reach at the trek end point near Darchen, our land cruisers will be waiting to take the group  to Saga. Overnight at a guest house in Saga.

Day 12   Drive Saga to Zhangmu (Kodari) Border to Kathmandu (340 Kms./ 8 -9  hours drive)
After breakfast, drive to Zhangmu. After reaching Friendship Bridge, we’ll be leaving our Tibet side vehicles on the other side of border and after completing custom and immigration formalities, we shall walk for approximately 15 minutes towards Nepal Immigration Post where our coach for Nepal would be waiting for us. Our Border guide will assist us to shift our belongings towards Nepal Side of the bridge. Lunch shall be served at a local en-route restaurant.  Overnight at Hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 13 Fly back to your home with memories of Mount Kailash & Holy Lake Mansarovar
After breakfast, free for souvenir shopping and other independent activities. In time transfer to International Airport to board your onward flight else you may extend your stay in Nepal to visit Muktinath Temple or Manokamna Temple or just relaxing.